Jacqui’s story

Jacqui’s story

Jacqui has dedicated 20 years of her career to caring for other people and did not imagine a time where she would be the one asking for support. Jacqui is keen to share her story and reassure other colleagues that seeking support is nothing to feel shameful about.

Jacqui shares her story with us.

I have dedicated my career to supporting vulnerable individuals in my community and I have long been proud of my ability to be resilient to deal with stressful work-related events. However, during one of my welfare checks last year, I had to contact the police when I found one of my clients had taken their own life. Coming to terms with this traumatic incident made it impossible to return to work and my doctor diagnosed me with PTSD, advising me to take some time off. My relationship with a verbally abusive partner who was living with me at the time was also wearing me down and I reached a vulnerability point that I was not equipped to cope with. Although I was proactive in arranging some counselling, I was struggling to keep things ticking over on my statutory sick pay alone. When our home was repossessed by our landlord, I took the opportunity to leave my ex-partner and move into a new place with my beloved pet dog, 35 miles away from work. My colleague urged me to contact CWC to seek financial support so I could repair my car and get back on my feet. It was surprising to learn The Care Workers Charity existed, as I hadn’t heard of them at any point during my career in the care sector.

Adapting support to my need

A grant award to cover the essential repairs to my car was a vital push in getting me back to work so I could return to a job I loved and was committed to. During the application process I explained to the Grants Coordinator that I found the role reversal of my situation difficult to come to terms with. I was used to giving out food bank vouchers to my clients but at time of applying for a grant I was the one who needed them. I could tell I was being listened to because I was awarded an additional sum so I could comfortably cover the cost of my weekly food shops.

Back on track

Although I still have wobbly periods coming to terms with last year’s incident, I am back on track and feel motivated and ready to embark on a new chapter with a brighter perspective. On top of the financial support I received from CWC, they also reassured me that seeking support is nothing to feel shameful about. The overall support I received from CWC has made me feel passionately about encouraging those who have a career in care not to shy away from asking for support when times get tough.

How we can help you

Our confidential grants service is here to help you on your rainy day by preventing you from facing financial hardship alone.

If you have worked in care sector and are experiencing financial hardship brought upon by an unexpected or sudden drop in income, ill health, injury, bereavement, changes in living circumstances or a relationship breakdown then we may be able to offer you support.

Please visit our grants page to find out more and apply.