Mental Wellbeing and Health Support

IMPORTANT – You can now access the new Covid-19 Grant Tracker by clicking here

Mental Wellbeing and Health Support Application

The programme will offer applicants a series of up to ten support sessions with a qualified therapist. 

 Please note that this is not a financial grant, The Care Workers’ Charity will pay the service provider (Red Umbrella) directly for your sessions.
If you feel you would benefit from some support, or if you’re on a long waiting list for support with mental wellbeing or have previously had support but feel you would benefit from some more sessions, please read the information below: 

  • Self Referral. Think about how you define what you need support for, we will be asking you to try to identify the area you need help with (for example, anxiety, stress, burnout, addiction, PTSD or something else) so that you can be allocated a therapist who is an expert in this area – but don’t worry if you can’t pinpoint the precise help you need. We will also ask you to explain how the sessions will benefit you. 
  • Talk to your GP, mental health support service or regulated professional (such as a social worker, or CPN or similar), you will need to include a letter of support from one of them when you make your application, and they will need to confirm that you would benefit from support with your mental wellbeing and health and that this programme would be beneficial to you. 

 We need some evidence of your employment in social care – and there are various ways you can provide this – any ONE of these below: 

  • If you’ve received a grant from us in the past 6 months please tick the appropriate check box
  • Confirmation from your HR Manager (we will not be telling them you are applying for mental health support, but only that you have applied to us for a grant) 
  • Providing your most recent payslip which clearly shows that you work in the care sector. 
  • If you can’t provide any of the above, get in touch 

If you’re not sure, or want more information then email us and we’ll get back to you within 5 working days 

Please note:  You are not eligible for this support programme if you are a registered nurse or work for the NHS 

Mental Health Support Fund Application Form

Applicant Information

Application on behalf of Eligible Care Worker

Employment Information


Information gathered in this section will not affect your application.  It is taken for demographic reporting only.  It is not accessible to the assessors considering applications.

If you’re not sure how to answer, use the sex registered on your official documents, such as passport or driving licence, or whichever answer best describes your sex.

This information is used to monitor equality between groups of people of different sexes. Equality monitoring helps make sure that everyone is treated fairly.
Support Request

The mental health support programme will be offering applicants who meet the criteria a series of support sessions with a therapist. 

Please note this is not a financial grant, The CWC will pay the service provider Red Umbrella directly for your sessions. Once accepted onto the support programme you would be contacted by Red Umbrella who will set up the sessions with you. 

Please note: We are not offering money towards Mental Health Support - we are working with a provider of these services and would be offering people who meet the criteria a series of support sessions with a therapist. 

Permission to Share Contact Details with Provider


Who referred you to the Fund? (please select no more than 3 options)
